Friday, November 6, 2009

Blah, Blahg, Blog

This language is steps removed collapsing in on themselves, redundancies doubled over, contradictions worn smooth by the normative force of fact. The automated teller is the automated teller machine is the ATM machine as iteration becomes reiteration and/or vice versa. Figments of imagination are merely figments, and to peruse is to pore over and to gloss over. The alphabet comprises the letters, although the letters comprise the alphabet. Sanction is authorization but punishment, the same word its homonym and its antonym and itself. That which is nauseous, both sickening and sickened, makes it all seem blather, so/yet TWM continues revealing the obscurity of all its answers and reveling in the clarity of all its mysteries.

Western characters from the East, Grasshopper walks the desert clay and Hop Sing cooks but does not hop or sing (or does he when no one looks?). And if there is singing and hopping but the TV is not on, did it ever really happen? It did so long as the DVR can archive it all, but who programs the DVR? The potential viewer programs the DVR, but her inability to view is the DVR’s very raison d’etre. Albert Einstein claimed that time is what keeps events from all occurring at once; however, two simultaneously aired documentaries on relativity can be enjoyed consecutively using a DVR even though the DVR must operate according to a timer that is presumably synchronized with broadcasting schedules.

God is omniscient yet He knows no limits and so He could only get full value at an all-u-can-eat restaurant by spending an eternity at the buffet, but time is money and so it would still be a rip-off for Him to patronize such a restaurant. Kentucky Fried Chicken is incorporated in Delaware for tax purposes and now specializes in grilled chickens, serving wings without bones that masquerade as boned wings. The submarine and the torpedo are fungible in the context of sandwiches but not in terms of naval materiel. It’s a navel orange but they are banana boats, and so orange you glad I didn’t say banana?

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