Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Recipe For Tough Times

Undernourishment isn’t funny, but nobody ever said it couldn’t be spicy. If you have (access to) a saucepan, a hot plate, and some water then you can make taco soup.

Find your local Taco Bell (they’re everywhere) and grab some packets of hot sauce. The condiments are at the service buffet with the straws and the napkins. Take as many as you can. I don’t think you’re technically stealing but, still, you should try to be as inconspicuous as possible. Empty 8-10 packets into a saucepan, add 2 cups or so of water, and heat up, stirring occasionally. Thin the broth to taste by adding more water.

Nutrients aren’t taco soup’s strong suit, let’s face it, but the price is right. And there’s definitely something in there: various salts and sugars, little bits of pickle. Plus it’s truly satisfying in the sense that you probably won’t want any more taco soup once you’ve finished.

For cream of taco soup, follow the above recipe but sprinkle in some Coffee-mate as you stir. Packets of Coffee-mate can often be found at donut shops, at 7-Eleven, and at gas stations that serve coffee.


  1. You should try the pudding that I make with packets of mayonnaise and Splenda.

  2. actually, the pudding sounds pretty good.

    you could even throw in one of those cups of cream cheese that come with bagels. but that would probably be a bit hoity toity, no?

  3. tell me more about these cups of cream cheese and bagels...where are they kept?

    I'll maintain my street cred by playing the hoity toitiness off as being ironical. The bottom line here is that cheese has protein (that's the hardest thing to get).

