Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Call For Occupational Specifics

The occupiers need a more detailed agenda. It's hard to argue with "social justice," but "economic equality" is an entirely new ball of wax. If people were economically equal then how would we determine who's better than whom? Height? The number of pounds that one can bench press? Facial symmetry? I don't know. Is this really what democracy looks like? 'Cause it kinda sounds like eugenics to me. I mean people who are tall and strong and attractive are obviously totally awesome, but let's not forget about diversity.


  1. I am feeling lowly and trodden on because I am neither tall nor strong. My face isn't very symmetrical either. One eyebrow is definitely higher than the other.

  2. You said it, sistah! Let's just hope that the puny and the funny-looking and the incredulous do alright in any new world order that might emerge.

