Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Smokers' Rights Are Human Rights

For Pete's sake, Californians, today's the day to do the right thing.  Vote "no" on 29, please!  The smoking community has suffered enough.

Honestly, a dollar a pack is no joke.  That's hundreds of dollars per year!  What the hell?

I really will be so disappointed if you people decide to screw me out of several hundred dollars each year.  I'm already subsidizing your children's early childhood educations.  What more do you want from me?

These past two decades of ever increasing marginalization and oppression need to end.  It's time to recognize this hateful campaign against smokers for what it is: a vicious assault on our civil rights.

Seriously, I think you're all a buncha fuckin' nazis.

1 comment:

  1. It seems that I underestimated California's voters and that my bitterness was unfounded. The extortionate excise has been rejected, and my faith in democracy has been restored.

