Monday, July 20, 2009

...out of the worm-hole, into the fire!

Dear Worm,

The lying liberal media recently claimed that the Pope broke his wrist
in a fall.

Obviously, God's right hand man couldn't break his own right hand, or
this would mean the end of all things. What really happened?

The Worm sez: You are correct to point out that God’s right-hand man could not break his own right hand as two such rights would make a wrong. His Holiness’ recent tumble was the result of his slipping in a puddle of Nivea moisturizing cream while performing his daily ablutions, which he has performed with great zeal and pious fervor ever since he reached puberty early while serving as a Hitler Youth during WWII. Incidentally, the Pope suffers from low vision and from acute carpal tunnel syndrome (in both wrists), and his favorite singer is Fergie from the Black-Eyed Peas. She is very lovely!


I am wondering if it bothers you that people sign their emails with the following closings:


when no drinking is involved, no foreign language being spoken, and the individuals are not English or Italian?

The Worm sez: People who have not been drinking ought to be looking their best and, thus, they ought to be communicating via Skype; therefore, such people should not be signing any emails in any fashion. When The Worm hears/reads a language other than American being spoken/written, it assumes that the speakers/writers are cognitively impaired and that they are speaking/writing gibberish. Finally, The Worm’s policy is to refrain from making any distinctions among people based on their national origin or their fingerprints, dental records, or DNA.


So sayeth The Worm.

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